JB Fackelmayer scammed me out of $120 (for 10 pictures). He then tried to cover his tracks. Too bad for him I have the receipts proving that he was the idiot I was emailing and sent money to.
So in this first (of many) installments, I’ll prove that JB Fackelmayer’s email is thefackelmayer@gmail and also that I was emailing with him, not someone else.
Picture 1 proves that his official website has his gmail email listed as (thefackelmayer@gmail.com).
Picture 2 is JB Fackelmayer’s Twitter page, again, his e-mail is listed as the same on his official website, thefackelmayer@gmail.com.
Picture 3 is a screenshot of an old Facebook post from JB Fackelmayer where he is again listing his e-mail as the same on his website and his Twitter page, thefackelmayer@gmail.com.
Picture 4 is JB Fackelmayer’s tumblr page (the one he has since said was a fan page and not controlled by him). Funny how the email is, you guessed it, listed as thefackelmayer@gmail.com.
Picture 5 is a screenshot of JB Fackelmayer replying to my inquiry about videos. I’ll get to how we couldn’t agree on the videos so instead came to an agreement about pictures in a future installment.
This installment proves that I was emailing with JB Fackelmayer and not some different scammer (the story he’s told his sponsors).