Picture 1: Just to refresh your memory, I was talking to JB Fackelmayer via his email, not some fan who was pretending to be him. Fackelmayer’s email is thefackelmayer@gmail.com. Check the previous post if you want me to prove how I know I was emailing with him.

Picture 2: As the arrow shows, he was adamant about using Square Cash only. He’ll explain why later.

Picture 3: We finally worked out a deal where I would pay $12 each for 10 pictures for a total of $120. He was assuring me that Square Cash was legit and I had nothing to worry about.

Picture 4: He gets pushy when 2 hours go by and he hasn’t heard from me. I guess having a life is a sin to him. The irony is he was pushy about getting my money but never delivered.

Picture 5: Proof that I sent him $120 using the Square Cash aka Cash Me app that he sent me.

Picture 6: I sent the money and he confirms that he got the money! I was expecting a sorta quick turnaround. He ignored 3 previous e-mails, which should have been a red flag, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. He tells me that he would have the pics to me “this week” and I never heard from him again.

Picture 7: I gave him a week and when I didn’t hear from him or receive the pictures, I knew I had been scammed. I sent him this email demanding to receive what I paid for.

Picture 8: I followed the link to his Square Cash link and it was no longer active.

JB Fackelmayer took my $120 and basically told me to fuck off. Be warned, folks. He’s trash of the lowest sort.