West Parkade Closing for the Summer Starting April 30
About the project
Planned rehabilitation work at the West Parkade has identified the need for additional structural work which, to ensure safety, requires a full closure of the facility until the fall.
Parking downtown during the closure
West Parkade permit holders are being notified directly with relocation information.
Alternate casual, short-term parking is available in lots on Wyndham, Macdonell and Baker streets.
There is also free two-hour on-street parking in the downtown available once per day per vehicle.
Why close the parkade?
Every effort was made to reduce further impacts to parking in the downtown. Needed additional structural work at the West Parkade cannot be completed while maintaining public access.
Closure of the parkade is needed because:
- Two-way traffic cannot be safely maintained through the parkade during the work
- Proper curing of concrete and waterproofing requires surfaces to be undisturbed
The benefit of a full closure of the parkade is that it should speed up the overall completion of planned work by two months, restoring the parkade to full use sooner than planned.
The City appreciates your patience, understanding and co-operation during this important construction project. Project details and any updates will be posted on guelph.ca/construction.
Source: City of Guelph