So many people are devastated by last night's election. We are too. Today, we thought some people might need a Happily Ever After. Even a fictional one. So, we are offering four LGBTQ books for free this week, so that anyone, no matter their financial means, can read these stories of love and hope. Please feel free to pick up, FOR FREE through November 16, ROLLER GIRL by Vanessa North (f/f contemporary with a trans lead), LEAD ME NOT by Ann Gallagher (inspirational m/m), PICKUP MEN by LC Chase (m/m cowboys), and WHEN TO HOLD THEM by GB Gordon (contemporary m/m). It's not much, but we need all the hope we can get.

Go HERE to get your free books:

Our special thanks to the authors for eagerly volunteering to participate in this celebration of LGBTQ love. You can download these books from anywhere in the world, in any format (mobi, epub, pdf, html), for consumption on any device (kindle, ipad, computer, smartphone, etc.).

Stay strong. Take care of each other. Love yourself. And remember that you are loved.