One of my favorite illusionary descriptions of one of the paintings from the novel, The Starless Sea by @erinmorgenstern. šŸ Aaaaaaah Y'ALL. You have no idea how much this book shook me. If you follow my captions, you'll know that I'm a HUGE fan of tweezer-plucking out symbolisms from novels to integrate into my pieces. It's no irony that this book is freakin OOZING symbolism and metaphors, dripping from its pages like honey, and @erinmorgenstern basically served this painting up for me on a platter. Took a few liberties with the key accents, but it otherwise closely follows her description from the novel. ( Somehow Dorian's character design ended up channeling sexy Aladdin? Not mad? ) šŸ Truly one of many more opportunities to illustrate fantastical scenes from this world.