Not involved in any character. I found this Tumblr again today! I lost it for a while but finally Google decided to work for me. I saved it to favorites this time but in case I lose it again I wanted to say thank you. I really appreciate finding a site dedicated to a version of Laurentius I wanted to see in FFXIV but never did. And I hope it's not strange but I found so many other good RP blogs starting here, mostly yours I think?, thank you for inspiring me to at least write my ideas down!
Oh, I also wanted to say the Wulgaru hunter-scholar description backs up your Wood Wailers prone to cruelty theory: "Wulgaru, the false tree. Not a few poachers have vanished after being bound overnight to these vampiric man-eaters by unsuspecting Wood Wailers. The Wulgaru is also drawn by noise and commotion, breaking its arboreal disguise to feast on the blood of its favorite prey: man."
Ahh, I’m so glad you like this blog!!! I always felt like Laurentius wasn’t evil or monstrous so much as....weak-willed and downtrodden and bullied into thinks he didn’t want to do because he didn’t see any other way out. Especially when we see him in 3.0 and later in 3.5/3.56? He looks and sounds so defeated and broken both times, especially at Baelsar’s Wall, and...really, I just wanted him to get something better. Get another chance, one where he won’t get targeted by cruel people, let him have a redemption arc. And if canon’s gonna completely forget he exists after 4.1, then I’ll do it here!!
Also, about the Wulgaru--- holy shit, that’s dark. And definitely, absolutely supports my theory, so thank you for sending it to me!!
You’re very, very welcome for inspiring you, and I’m so glad I could!!