First I wished to say I liked #3 of the Tin Universe Middle Grade series and I have shared them with my family. I just wanted to ask if you think there is a need for a male character in the books? I LOVE Mildred, Aisha, and Sasha but wouldn't mind a boy thrown in he mix.
I’m glade you liked TUMGS #3 and very happy you are sharing them with your family.
As to your question. No, I don’t think there is a need for a young male character in the mix. There is an issue when a underrepresented group isn’t shown in many books, like how most books in the past and a great deal of fantasy stories now have central male characters and most of the cast are male. Plus, I know this might not dive into why you wanted a boy character in the mix but boys shouldn’t have a problem reading an all female cast. In the cases of when boys have problems with such things it is because we have failed as a society and taught them there is an issue.
I hope that didn’t come of angry because it wasn’t. I’m glade you like Mildred, Aisha, and Sasha but I find it interesting our default is where are the boys when people get attacked for saying where are the females in stories.