Regarding the new update,

I am going to attempt to be polite with this, but note that I am very … upset with what you have planned for tomorrow’s update. Tumblr is meant to be a social platform where people can interact with each other in all sorts of different ways, including roleplaying. I am one of the many people ( probably about 40% of your userbase ) here on Tumblr who use your site as a means for roleplaying. Your last update has angered the community almost to the point of leaving Tumblr entirely, but with this new update, many are planning on leaving including myself.

It is clear that you have repeatedly disregarded and ignored the feedback from the community entirely, judging from the fact that you still have the reblog update up and running. Honestly, it disgusts me how you ignore thousands of your users’ feedback, and you seem to be under the impression that we are all just people that allow ourselves to be walked all over. But you are sorely mistaken.

Go ahead and make the update, but don’t be surprised if your user number drops significantly ;; meaning that you will lose a substantial amount of revenue. Go ahead and ignore us, test our nerves. But like it or not, this will only end badly.

I really didn’t want to believe that you are purposely trying to drive out the roleplaying community - the people who have been here giving you the revenue that you have at the moment - but now I’m getting suspicious.