Davy Muscle on the “gross gays” and his unrepentant homophobia... 

I haven’t met Davy Barnes (aka DavyMuscle), but have several fellow gay photogs who have photographed him. It’s pretty disappointing to see that he would “Like” a comment saying that gay people have a “severe psychological and mental disorder” and that being gay “is wrong and unnatural in every way possible.” 

And then to post another comment bragging about being friends with gay people, then calling them “gross gays” in the next sentence? Given his presence on Instagram I’m sure there are people who do make lewd and disrespectful comments to Davy. That makes them disrespectful. Push back on that, tell them they are being disrespectful, but don’t make it about them being gay. Being GAY isn’t the problem here. There are plenty of gay people who don’t act like that. “Gross gays?” Come on. And if Davy really did understand or even RESPECTED the gay friends he claims to have, he wouldn’t talk this way, and he certainly wouldn’t imply they are severely mentally ill because they are gay. Not only is that untrue from a scientific standpoint, it’s also incredibly disrespectful to LGBT community. And I can tell gay men make up a sizable portion of his fan base.

Does Davy really care about disrespect? If Davy lets women get away with making lewd comments, yet ONLY throws a fit if male fans do the same, then not only is he incredibly insecure, I’d say he’s a textbook homophobe too.

See more discussion with Allan Spiers & Jeff Cullens on their Facebook post here.

The following screenshots were posted by an Instagram user who attempted to spread awareness about Davy’s anti-gay comments. 

Despite his comments, Davy allegedly has no qualms selling his used underwear to guys on Instagram.  

Davy frowns on pre-martial sex, saying, “I believe God disigned (sic) sex for a husband and wife to enjoy.” The subsequent comments, and his responses are revealing.

Check out Davy's exchange here with presumably, a gay man of faith, who is earnestly trying to push back on Davy's contention that gay people are sinners. It also ends with Davy mocking another guy by saying he deleted his lengthy comment before even reading the first sentence.

As for declaring himself a “proud Bible thumper,” I’ll just leave this here. 

Source: facebook.com